Welcome to our professional internal window cleaning service page. We specialise in providing thorough and streak-free cleaning for the interior windows of your home or commercial property. Our expert team ensures that your windows look immaculate, enhancing the natural light in your space and improving the overall appearance of your property’s interior.
Over time, internal windows can accumulate dust, smudges, fingerprints, and other marks, diminishing the clarity and cleanliness of your space. Our internal window cleaning specialists use eco-friendly products and professional techniques to ensure that your windows are left spotless and streak-free, creating a bright and welcoming environment.
“Astound is a company I would certainly recommend to anyone looking for a reliable window cleaning company. Two employees were sent to clean the inside of our building and they turned up right on the agreed time, were friendly and got on with the job. I was more than impressed with the service I received.”
Our internal window cleaning process begins with a thorough inspection to assess the condition of your windows. We then use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning solutions to remove dust, dirt, and smudges, followed by a streak-free finish with microfiber cloths or professional-grade squeegees.
Internal windows can become clouded by dust, smudges, and condensation over time, reducing their clarity and the natural light entering your space. Regular cleaning:
0800 644 6161
How often should I clean my internal windows?
For most homes and offices, we recommend cleaning internal windows every 3 to 6 months, depending on the level of dust, condensation, and activity in the area.
Do you use chemicals to clean internal windows?
We use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning solutions that are safe for your home or office and effective in removing dirt, smudges, and dust from your windows.
Can you clean internal windows in high-rise buildings?
Yes, we offer internal window cleaning services for all types of buildings, including high-rise residential and commercial properties.
What areas of the window do you clean?
We clean the glass, frames, and ledges of your internal windows to ensure a complete and thorough clean.
Will cleaning my internal windows improve the light in my home or office?
Yes, clean windows allow more natural light to enter, making your space feel brighter and more welcoming. Regular cleaning also improves the overall appearance and atmosphere of your rooms.
0800 644 6161
Astound Cleaning Group Ltd
First Floor Redington Court
69 Church Road
Hove, BN3 2BB
United Kingdom